Thursday, May 3, 2007

Wrap Up

Phew!!! That was fun. Like most people, I wish I had more time to spend on the weekly activities, but even though I raced through a couple of weeks, I still learned A LOT!!! I don't feel like I'm from the Stone Age anymore.

When I think about how far we've come in the last 20 or so years, well it's quite mind-boggling! Why, only yesterday (or so it seems), I was just mastering the IBM Selectric typewriter. Then, I was deeply immersed in my 8-week full-time word processing course on the NBI dedicated word processing system with the HUGE floppy disks as storage devices!

OK, then there were the "dumb" terminals where we input and edited MARC records for the McMaster microfiche catalogue. Our first PC had that orange glow. And seriously, it really wasn't all that long ago.

I'm glad that I've had the opportunity to do all of these activities because I figure I probably wouldn't have pursued learning about many of these applications on my own without some direction, help, and information. So THANKS to the ETG group. I feel like I'm a bitmore in the know now, and to be honest, I'm much more interested in learning (and understanding!) more. And much more confident too.

I plan to follow up by creating another blog, maybe with Wordpress, by staying in touch with people through Facebook, and by exploring more websites. I want to try this Stumble Upon that everyone is talking about! As a (former) cataloguer, I'm really interested in the tagging and folksonomies, so I'd like to explore and play here a bit more.

So thanks to ETG and thanks to my group leader Alex.

1 comment:

Karatemummy (aka Rhonda) said...

does this mean you don't need me (your friendly resource) anymore?? (sniff, sniff, sob)

It's about time you got that smiley face!!!!!